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Instant Insights with AI

What doctors are saying

Saliva ferning, known as salivary crystallization, became recognized as a fertility indicator in the 1950s and 1960s. Ovul uses this proven method of saliva analysis to track ovulation.
"With AI pattern recognition co-pilot, it gives precise insights into ovulation status. Doctors find Ovul's technology innovative and helpful for managing women's reproductive health."


Vasyl Kravchenko

OBGYN and gynecologist

"Determining ovulation in this way at home has become possible with the help of Ovul. This device is a convenient, cost-effective, non-invasive and simple way to determine ovulation. It is absolutely safe and understandable for every woman. The advantages of the device are that all data is co-interpreted automatically and the result is sent to your phone."

Chaika Oksana


"The adoption of a convenient, cost-effective, and reliable method of ovulation detection is very important for women planning a pregnancy. Frequent visits to the doctor for ultrasound examinations can cause physical and psychological discomfort to women. And Ovul solves these issues."


Kaminsky Anatoly

Head of the Clinic of Reproductive Technologies


World's first

Saliva-Based AI-Fertility Tracker

With Ovul, you can effortlessly track your fertility using just your saliva, all from the convenience of your own home.

  • Know when you are ovulating
  • Track your cycle
  • Get pregnant

Step 1


Open the device and wait for the indicator light to flash once. After the light flashes, the device is ready to use.


Step 2


Use your finger to deposit a drop of saliva onto the analyzer slide.


Step 3


Close the device to start the analysis. Your results will be sent to the Ovul App.


Step 4


Monitor your fertility over time with our comprehensive app.


Discover Your Ovul Rhythms

OVUL is a saliva hormone tracker that helps monitor fertility by detecting hormone levels through saliva samples. With our monitor, you can track your unique hormonal patterns.

This technology has been around since 1945, but it’s never been as easy-to-use and accurate as it is now. Thanks to the AI insights we provide, understanding your fertility with 1 saliva drop is simpler and more reliable than ever.

Ovulation Tracker Image

Finally, an ovulation tracker you’ll want to display

Most fertility tracking devices are bulky and unattractive. With OVUL, you get a sleek, stylish design that seamlessly fits into your daily life. You won’t feel the need to hide it when guests come over.

User friendly app

Our intuitive app is designed to be user-friendly, helps you track your cycle, predict your fertile windows, and manage your reproductive health with ease. Using advanced AI technology, the app analyzes saliva samples to provide real-time insights into hormonal trends and ovulation periods

Ovul App Screens

Frequently Asked Questions

Ovul works by analyzing patterns in saliva, which change throughout the menstrual cycle due to hormonal fluctuations. It employs AI-powered pattern recognition to help to interpret these patterns, providing insights into ovulation status

Ovul is here to make the process easier. Our saliva-based AI fertility tracker offers a simple, non-invasive way to accurately track your ovulation, helping you understand your most fertile days and increasing your chances of conception.

No, the Ovul Fertility Tracker is not approved by the FDA as a contraceptive. However, it can be used to track your fertile and infertile periods, which can help you use natural family planning (NFP) to prevent pregnancy

Ovul offers several advantages over traditional urine and blood tests. It's non-invasive, easier to use, and doesn’t require trips to the clinic. While urine and blood tests measure hormone levels directly, Ovul tracks estrogen through saliva ferning patterns, which are a natural reflection of estrogen levels. This makes it a more convenient, at-home alternative, especially for daily monitoring.

Yes, Ovul features a user-friendly interface, making it easy to track and monitor ovulation cycles effortlessly.

Yes, Ovul can be used at any point in the day. However, for the most accurate results, it’s recommended to test in the morning before eating, drinking, or brushing your teeth. This ensures that external factors don't interfere with the saliva sample.

Yes, Ovul can be used by women with irregular menstrual cycles. Its saliva analysis technology is effective regardless of cycle regularity.

Ovul is designed to be used daily throughout the menstrual cycle to track changes in saliva patterns accurately.

Yes, Ovul provides accurate predictions of ovulation based on changes in saliva patterns and AI pattern recognition technology. This method is almost 100 years old and with involving AI co-pilot really makes it a real game- changer in ovulation testing!

No, there are no known side effects associated with using Ovul. It is a non-invasive and safe method of ovulation tracking.

No, Ovul does not require calibration. It is ready to use straight out of the box.

The shelf life of Ovul devices is typically several years if stored correctly according to the provided instructions.